Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

!9# Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

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CPAP therapy is a highly effective treatment for sleep apnea. At the same time, it is very easy to get used to. Let's face it, people, after all, is in bed with a mask on a tube that is connected to an electric car is not just a matter of course. But there are steps you can take in order to facilitate them.

For example, you can start wearing the mask for short periods of days or weeks before starting treatment. Try to wear while watching TV. TryApply at the dinner. Just find a little 'where you can slide it and learn to forget.

You can also use the CPAP machine before starting the treatment seriously. Perhaps you turn just before going to bed, so you can make the sound should be used. If you're used to sleeping in a quiet environment, the machine will be intrusive at first, but you learn to "lock" psychologically in a short time. If you sleep on a busy street with lots of noise,Machine could also be a blessing. It can act as a sort of "white noise" machine, which blocks at least partially, some of the traffic and road noise.

Ultimately, you are going to have to take the plunge and try to sleep and mask. Some people are successful by going "cold turkey" and just jump Others have tried to wear in bed, reading or watching TV for a few days first.

Whichever method you try, remember that many, many peoplemay take up to a treatment with CPAP. And with a little 'perseverance, you can be one of them. Then, when you start to feel the benefits of a really good sleep, you are going to forget everything that had to endure hardships and just remember how well rested you will feel tomorrow.

Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

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