Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Alternative Treatments: how to do it without your CPAP Conquer!

!9# Obstructive Sleep Apnea Alternative Treatments: how to do it without your CPAP Conquer!

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It 'a fact. When it comes to obstructive sleep apnea treatments is the most common "thing" you know, the CPAP. But another fact is that the CPAP does not fit all. Some find it helpful, some not, some will even curse!

So the question arises whether CPAP is not great, is there another way? Well, it will be pleasant, because the answer is "Yes, we have many other options!" I can name some of them here.

1) Your healthy lifestyle? Otherwise, change!

Theirshould know that your life style your condition obstructive sleep apnea affects more than you might imagine from.

We try to absorb excessive smoking and talking too much alcohol. Their airway is blocked in the soft tissues of the neck when you sleep. Smoking worsens the block and kills only the lungs! If you are a smoker, it is time to stop. It helps not only you but also your loved ones!

Alcohol? And 'your soft parts are still soft so that theIt is likely that blocks the airways. Do not use alcohol 3-4 hours before bedtime.

2) Your Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 25?

Or, say, in other words, you are overweight?

One of the most common reason that leads to obstructive sleep apnea is obesity. If your body is overweight, will worsen his condition. In many cases, lose a few pounds undergone significant improvements in your situation.

But losing weight is not night, is not it? It can bedifficult when you start. But the key here is to be patient with yourself and discipline. Try a healthy diet and exercises to deal with, sooner or later you'll see the difference.

3) Are these therapies too easy to overlook that?

What is the reason why you have sleep apnea?

It's because the airway is blocked by soft tissue while you sleep. And the easiest way to avoid this is to sleep alone on the side rather than your back. If you sleep on your side, theGravity will keep the muscles to reach the airways!

Another simple method is to lift his head 30 degrees while you sleep. The main objective is to simulate your position when you're awake. Opens the airway a little 'with this technique.

4) What about natural therapies?

Ah, an interesting question, is not it?

If you are interested in Eastern cultures, which are their (and our) healing techniques may be surprised! They only use herbs and oldTechniques such as acupuncture to treat disease. In fact, there are many people who must seek to heal with the exact methods.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Alternative Treatments: how to do it without your CPAP Conquer!

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

!9# Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

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CPAP therapy is a highly effective treatment for sleep apnea. At the same time, it is very easy to get used to. Let's face it, people, after all, is in bed with a mask on a tube that is connected to an electric car is not just a matter of course. But there are steps you can take in order to facilitate them.

For example, you can start wearing the mask for short periods of days or weeks before starting treatment. Try to wear while watching TV. TryApply at the dinner. Just find a little 'where you can slide it and learn to forget.

You can also use the CPAP machine before starting the treatment seriously. Perhaps you turn just before going to bed, so you can make the sound should be used. If you're used to sleeping in a quiet environment, the machine will be intrusive at first, but you learn to "lock" psychologically in a short time. If you sleep on a busy street with lots of noise,Machine could also be a blessing. It can act as a sort of "white noise" machine, which blocks at least partially, some of the traffic and road noise.

Ultimately, you are going to have to take the plunge and try to sleep and mask. Some people are successful by going "cold turkey" and just jump Others have tried to wear in bed, reading or watching TV for a few days first.

Whichever method you try, remember that many, many peoplemay take up to a treatment with CPAP. And with a little 'perseverance, you can be one of them. Then, when you start to feel the benefits of a really good sleep, you are going to forget everything that had to endure hardships and just remember how well rested you will feel tomorrow.

Learning to love the treatment with CPAP

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The treatment of sleep apnea - Alternatives to CPAP therapy

!9# The treatment of sleep apnea - Alternatives to CPAP therapy

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The alternatives to CPAP therapy is a life saver for many sleep apnea patients. Not all people with sleep apnea can not tolerate treatment with CPAP. There are many reasons why they give their treatment, depending on each patient.

Here are several reasons:
Feeling of choking The dryness of the mouth, the most common side effect is Dryness of the nose or stuffy nose Mask discomfort the noise of the respirator the feeling of claustrophobia Fortunately there are solutionsfor these problems, and some of them are really effective. There is no problem that can not be processed, in particular with the advanced technology of today.

The most common alternative to CPAP treatment is a dental device or an oral appliance. This device is used to relieve the obstruction of the upper airway and snoring by changing the position of the jaw, tongue and other oral structures.

A hearing also prevents oral tongue blocks the airway passages.

FirstChoosing this type of therapy is very important to consult your doctor. He knows that not all devices can help your breathing disorder.

However, there are some problems here, and the disorder is more frequent discomfort and salivation. Statistics show that this alternative therapy is more effective in patients with non-severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure or BPAP is another alternative to the CPAP machine, and are more efficient. BPAPMachine provides two pressure levels, one during inspiration and lower during expiration. The pressure drop during exhalation is designed for comfort for patients who have difficulty exhaling against a constant pressure coming as CPAP increased.

Behavioral therapy is an important part of your life, if you want to do with sleep apnea, and in mild cases of this type of therapy may be all that is needed.
You should avoid the use of pills with alcohol, tobacco and sleeping,making the airways more likely to collapse during sleep. if you have a weight problem, you can benefit from losing weight. Even a weight loss of 10 percent, the number of apnea for most patients. Sleeping in a lateral position is often helpful. Try using a pillow or other device that can help you with this.
Playing the Didgeridoo - this is the last alternative to CPAP treatment on the market, and is well accepted by patients with moderate obstructive sleep apneaSyndrome. This could be due to the formation of the muscles controlling the upper airway, airway dilation and stiffening of the wall.

Regulation play a didgeridoo reduces daytime sleepiness and snoring in people with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and also improves sleep quality of partners.

One last tip: a new field of medicine provides a fertile ground for fraud. People are willing to shamelessly exploit the human hopes and fears. Claims of miracle cures for sleepApnea are already sprouting on the Internet. So, before trying an alternative treatment to CPAP, talk to your doctor of this opportunity and listen to his opinion.

The treatment of sleep apnea - Alternatives to CPAP therapy

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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